This mod takes the deadly and precise "Halo dance" and completely flips it on its head, turning Combat Evolved into nothing but complete and utter chaos that's bizarre, hilarious, and infuriating all at once.

It's available on Xbox One and PC for $40. Once you download it, unzip the file and then run the setup program. Modding is a way of changing the form and playthrough of a game by manipulating its base coding. 7z file which may require 7-Zip if on Windows or p7zip if on Linux. The mod is an visual enhancement and gameplay expansion of the original campaign using assets from later Halo games and CMT's works. The game can't be officially downloaded anymore, but you can get it here (the legality of this isn't clear, but nobody has ever gotten in trouble with Microsoft for this). Are you going to play it? Other Helpful Reviews for Halo: Combat Evolved Rating: 8.7 Essentially, it's the same game as the Xbox version, but still worth a go for newcomers or hardcore Halo fans alike.

They remain permanently loaded unless the user uses chimera_reload_lua. A feature-rich mod for Halo Custom Edition, Chimera is a mod for Halo Custom Edition which contributes a wide variety of essential features to enhance or fix Halo.